CSP ARCHITECTS | BISHOPGATE HOUSE, 1 BISHOPGATE STREET, YORK, ENGLAND, YO23 1WH | 01904 641289 | studio@csparchitects.co.uk

Private House
A private client with a wish for a bespoke, sustainable house built to a high standard using quality materials and craftsmanship, commissioned this detached family home on a kite-shaped site.
A narrow, northerly road frontage opens onto a delightful south-facing garden containing a magnificent mature oak tree, which has been incorporated into a designed garden.
The house is designed to fit harmoniously into its context on the road frontage, by interpreting the arts and crafts style of its neighbours in a contemporary fashion. Small traditional sized windows are used to help the new building relate to its neighbours and to improve the thermal performance of this north facing façade.
The curved form of the house is designed to make a smooth transition between existing building lines where the road gently curves. This also presents a modest appearance to the public domain and expands the rear elevation to make the most of a private rear garden.
A more unashamedly modern approach is adopted for the private garden frontage. Extensive areas of glazing are used to take full advantage of the garden views and sunny orientation, with large glazed doors opening onto first floor balconies and ground floor terraces.
The south facing 2-storey glazed ‘garden-room’ has large oversailing zinc faced eaves that, together with 1st floor projecting balconies, provide shading to reduce solar gain.

Project Awards.